OpenERP: Module showing in Windows installation but not in Linux installation

logo_openerpA few days back I was working on an OpenERP project. I had to develop a module for it. I created a module and it was working fine is my Windows machine. When I uploaded the module to Linux installation, I could not find the module in the module list. I double checked if it is uploaded in correct directory or not… it’s in the right place. Tried with updating the module list several times… no luck!

Then one thought came in my mind. In one of my previous projects I faced an issue (though that was not an OpenERP project). It was related to end of line (EOL) character. I checked the module files and found that it was using Windows EOL characters CRLF. I changed the character to Unix EOL character LF. Uploaded the files again on Linux server, restarted server, updated module list and found the module in the list.

How I changed the character?

I have used Notepad++ to do this task. You may follow the following steps to do this:

  • Download and install Notepad++ if you do not have it.
  • Open the module file.
  • To view the EOL character go to View menu > Show symbol > Show End of Line.
  • If the EOl is CRLF then proceed to next steps. If the character is LF then no need to change.
  • To change the EOL to Unix format, go to Edit > EOL Conversion > Unix format. You will see the EOL changed from CRLF to LF.

That’s it!


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