OpenERP 7: Using AND/OR in Advanced Search
In OpenERP 7, Advanced Search creates OR conditions by default. But you may also search using AND conditions. How? Let see.
For an example, you want to search contacts who have ‘John’ or ‘Jonathon’ in their names. So in Advanced Search for contacts if you add two conditions – one for ‘John’ and another one for ‘Jonathan’ as shown in the below image and click on the Apply button, then these conditions will be added as OR conditions, which is default.
But, if you select the first condition, click on Apply button, then select the second condition and click the Apply button again, the conditions will be added as AND conditions.
Isn’t this easy? Share if you know something like this :).
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By maged, March 25, 2014 @ 7:22 pm
Thank you, very helpful.